1. Go to reportaproblem.apple.com.
2. Log in with your Apple ID and password.
3. Choose the item that you want a refund for and click Report or Report a Problem.
4. Follow the instructions on the page to choose the reason why you want a refund and submit your request.
If you are still unable to get a refund using the above website, please call Apple's official customer service number and apply for a refund with a customer service agent.
In line with Google's policies, you are eligible to request a refund through Google Play for an app or in-app purchase if it has been less than 48 hours since the transaction was made.
If you need to apply for a refund, please check if you meet this criteria.
1. Go to play.google.com/store/account (or the Google Play Refund Page).
2. Log in with your Google account and password.
3. Click Order History and find the order.
4. Copy the Order ID (GPA.xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx) and provide it to us.
You will then receive an email with your refund decision. You’ll usually get this within 3 business days but it can take up to 7 business days.
How to Apply for a Refund?
As subscriptions use Apple/Google's billing service, AirBrush is
unable to issue any refunds directly. Please contact
Apple or Google to apply for a refund. (If the charge is pending, you
can’t request a refund yet. After the charge goes through, you can request
a refund.)