If you want to find your receipt and order number, please follow the steps:
- - Open the Mail app on your iOS device.- Search for “Apple” in your inbox to find the receipt for your subscription purchase.- Locate the correct receipt, including the date of purchase, order ID, and the subscription you paid for.If you are unable to locate the email receipt, you can also retrieve it via your respective account:Go to Settings > [Your Name] > iTunes & App Store. Tap your Apple ID, then tap 'View Apple ID'. Scroll to Purchase History and locate the transaction.
- - Open the Gmail app or your preferred email app on your Android device.- Search for “Google Play” to locate the emailed receipt for your subscription purchase.- Find the correct receipt with details such as the date of purchase, order number, and the subscription you paid for.If you are unable to locate the email receipt, you can also retrieve it via your respective account:Visit payments.google.com, sign in with your Google account, select 'Subscriptions and services', then 'View Purchases' to locate the transaction.